1. How do I pay for homecare visits?
Payments are issued for homecare visits as per Kindness Unlimited’s standard payment policy. All documentation must be complete in a timely manner and invoices are to be submitted every Monday by 3pm for the previous week.
2. What is the typical age range of a homecare patient?
Most of the cases are adult or geriatric, but there may be some pediatric cases as well. Clinician will be informed of the type of case before it is assigned.
3. How long are patients authorized for therapy?
Authorization ranges from 1-3 times per week for a period of 4-9 weeks depending on the patient’s diagnosis, but some cases may continue long-term.
4. What type of conditions are prevalent in homecare patients?
Patient’s require homecare for a variety of reasons ranging from post-surgical care, accident recovery, or management of chronic conditions. Each patient’s diagnosis will be included in their referral paperwork.
5. What is the duration of homecare visits?
Homecare visits last for an average of 40 minutes to 1 hour depending on patient’s diagnosis and plan of care.
6. How are homecare appointments scheduled?
Clinician’s schedule visits directly with the patient/family.
7. How many homecare cases can I take on?
The number of cases you take on is dependent on your availability. Ensure that you can commit to a case for the duration before you accept that case.
8. If I accept a case and complete the initial evaluation, do I have to do treatments as well?
Yes. If you accept a case, you must complete all evaluations, treatments, and any other requests (recommendations, care plans, etc.) as needed for the duration of the case. The only exception to this rule is if you are designated as an evaluating therapist only.
9. I would like to provide homecare services; how do I start?
As new cases become available, Kindness Unlimited sources clinicians based on the patient’s location and specialty required. If you would like our homecare specialist to reach out to you regarding homecare opportunities, submit your resume here.
10. Are any special credentials required to provide homecare services?
CPR or NYS Infection Control Certificates are recommended but not mandatory. All clinicians must be credentialed and in compliance to provide services.
11. What clinical disciplines are eligible to provide homecare services with Kindness Unlimited Therapy Services?
Licensed PT’s, OT’s, SLP’s, and MT’s can provide home care services.
12. How do I register for CEUs or non-degree courses?
To register for CEUs or non-degree courses, contact kindness unlimited using the contact information on the website to receive information on registration procedures.
13. What are the registration requirements for non-degree courses?
The registration requirements for the non-degree courses are your degree certificate, a current valid practice license, and an official transcript or course-by-course evaluation.
14. What is the minimum number of courses I can register for at once?
The minimum number of courses that can be taken at any given time is 3. Candidates, however, cannot exceed 18 credit units while enrolled in the program.
15. How long will it take to complete non-degree courses?
The non-degree courses are offered quarterly and last an average of 10-12 weeks.
16. What is the mode of administration for non-degree courses?
All CEU and non-degree courses are delivered online. Examinations take the form of multiple-choice questions taken online.
17. What is the passing score for non-degree courses?
The minimum pass mark for non-degree courses is 60%.
18. What happens if I fall below a passing score?
Any failed courses will have to be registered again, repeated, and passed before transcripts can be issued.
19. Are registration fees refundable?
No, registration fees are non-refundable.
20. Are our course fees refundable?
Yes. 50% of the course fee can be refunded if the request for a refund is put in one month before the commencement of classes. Requests made less than one month after commencement of classes will receive a 20% refund while requests made after the commencement of classes will not be honored.


1. If I am already assigned to a case and my credentials expire but I do not renew them, can I still work?
No. All documents must be valid and in compliance in order for you to legally provide healthcare services.
2. If I am working, will I be notified if my credentials are expiring?
Yes. Reminder email/text notification will be sent one month to the expiration date.
3. How soon do you need to receive all of my credentials/documents?
All documentation should be submitted within 72 hrs. of initial application.
4. What happens after submitting all of my documents/credentials?
When all credentials are received, an initial screening is conducted by our compliance specialist. Once your documents have been verified, a telephone interview will be conducted to ascertain suitability. Our screening process is very thorough to ensure that only the best clinicians are hired to join our dynamic team.
5. Are background checks required for all clinician’s?
Yes. In addition to the credentials listed above, Kindness Unlimited runs a full background check on all applicants prior to onboarding them.
6. What is the best way to submit my credentials/documents when applying for a position?
Documents can be uploaded with your resume when applying for a position online. You may also email your documents to kindnessunlimitedtherapy@gmail.com.
7. What credentials/documents am I required to submit to Kindness Unlimited Therapy Services?
To be on-boarded, all clinicians must submit the following: Resume with 2 references, professional license and registration certificate, malpractice insurance, current annual physical with flu shot and titers(MMR & Varicella), current PPD/chest x-ray or quantiferon gold test results, and 2 forms of ID (passport, driver’s license or social security card).